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I know that I already wrote the official Brand Experience post about Kate Spade (part 1 and part 2), but recently I received another email that prompted me to write again.

(First of all, I cannot say enough about how much I love the design team at Kate Spade. The site design matches the humor and joy in the products so much, it is a WONDERFUL example of great design. I would love to have their budget for photography and design in my work!)

So, I received this email and was of course excited, who doesn’t love 75% off? I clicked through to the following page:

More lovely design, but I find that I have to enter my email address and zip code to enter the sale. It’s not logging in, but just randomly giving my email address and zip code (which Kate Spade already has from my earlier purchases). Why are they asking me for this, I thought. I clicked around to find out.

Nothing here in the Sale FAQ about my email address and zip code. I wonder if it’s in the section on security/privacy policy?

Hmm. From the first paragraph:

This information also may be used to contact you about sales, special offers and new website features, unless you have opted not to receive promotional communications in connection with this website.

I take some issue with this, because I think the design is deceiving. already has my information because I’ve made a purchase. I got an email about this sale. I imagine this sign-in is designed to both collect new email addresses from people whom this sale is shared with, and also to track response rates to the emails that are going out. Entering your email again, and your zip, is way more engagement than simply opening an email and clicking on it.

All of this is great, but I don’t love that there is no warning that your email will be used to email you again right up front. I had to HUNT for this information, and that font in the security and privacy page is small!

UPDATE: Since this was posted, these pages still exist but there is a much more obvious message regarding receiving emails in the future. Thumbs up!

What do you think of providing your email address and zip code before being able to shop sales? Would this deter you from entering the sale?
