
CONTACT ME: jamie.sanford (at) gmail (dot) com.

Hello, I’m Jamie Sanford. I have lived in NJ for 21 years, but spent most of my formative years in Florida. I have been married for 16 years to a wonderful man who I met on the Internet in 2000, long before it was the standard. I love random documentaries, Frank Lloyd Wright, almost any kind of cheese, wearing black to any and all events, estate sailing, Formula 1 racing, and Cherry Coke Zero.

JamieSanford.com has featured many different kinds of content over the years and has truly been my online home. Over the last few years, I have honed in on content that fulfills my professional and personal interests. I am most proud of my collection of posts on brand experience.

I have been documenting my journey to try new cheeses for over 2 years over at CheeseParty.co on Instagram.

My ultimate goal is to continue to work in e-commerce and/or marketing, for or with companies that are looking to provide quality products or services, and a quality experience to go along with it.

I am currently the Marketing & E-Commerce Manager at Noritake Co., Inc. I manage direct-to-consumer e-commerce, product content, social content, online brand presence, influencer partnerships, and am the voice of Noritake on all social channels.

I oversee NoritakeChina.com from top to bottom, including product merchandising, product content creation and deployment, sales and promotions, and working with an external partner to continually review and improve the user experience on the site. (I am always saying that websites are never done.)

I have been a featured “expert” in Get Married magazine. I previously blogged at The Noritake Dish on topics ranging from a Pinterest tutorial (way back in 2011) to product introductions, recipe collections, and throwbacks.

Before moving into e-commerce and brand marketing, I worked in medical education. My biggest focus was on developing and managing websites, while also project managing both digital and print projects. I also coordinated and managed live events, and also launched the initial forays of multiple educational initiatives into social media (a challenging task given the restrictions of working in the medical/pharmaceutical realm).

My favorite social channel, by far, is Instagram. Twitter/X and Facebook have become less interesting to me over time but I still check them out occasionally. I am also on LinkedIn, Flickr, and Pinterest. I regularly act as judge for the W3 Awards, the Communicator Awards, and the Davey Awards.

That’s all for now! Please contact me if you’re interested in working with me regarding brand management or experience.

Editorial Policy/Disclaimer:
Unless otherwise noted, all items featured in posts on JamieSanford.com are chosen by me.  I will also indicate any items that I have had personal experience with and share my opinions about those items.  I will try to only showcase items that are the best available price, from reputable retailers.  I cannot guarantee the quality of any items featured on the site and am not liable for any issues that arise between buyer and seller.

Privacy Policy:
Please note that the list of subscribers to receive my content via email is completely private and will never be shared with any third parties.

In accordance with FTC ruling, I am indicating my relationships between myself and companies I work with or have worked with in the past.

I am a member of the ShopSense Affiliate Program, and so if you click on a ShopSense link from this site and make a purchase, I will get a small kickback for that purchase.

Jamie Sanford is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

August/September 2015: I am a current affiliate of Miracle Worker. I am no longer an affiliate of Miracle Worker.

The content on this blog does not represent anything/anyone but me.

JamieSanford.com launched in August 2008.
TheDailyWishlist.com launched in January 2010, and morphed into NotSoBasicBlack.com.
In 2012, these 2 blogs were combined into a collection of content about online shopping, brand experience, marketing and more.
In 2022, many posts were archived that were no longer relevant or linked to items and content no longer available online.





